Monday, October 3, 2011

Will He Run?

As we all know Chris Christie has been toying with the idea of tossing his hat in the ring the GOP race. Now that it is getting down to the wire, could he really put his name into the race and build up enough support to have any chance in the soon approaching NH Primary. In New Hampshire there is nothing more sacred than having the first primary in the nation and now that Florida has set its primary date at January 31 there is no doubt in my mind that we will be voting in NH shortly after the first of the year. How does this hurt Christie's possible campaign? It gives him only three months to build any sort of campaign if he wants to have any sort of chance in New Hampshire. If he does decide to run he will have to focus more on the later states in order to build up any kind of momentum he can. Another issue that I think Christie would have is that there is a lot of footage in the media with him saying that it is not in his heart to be president at this time. Other campaigns would slam him for the sudden change of heart. You might even see another candidate get slapped with the "Flip Flop" label. Overall I think that it might not be in Chris Christie's best interest to toss his name in the ring this election cycle. He should continue as Governor on NJ and wait till 2016 to seriously decide to run for President.